How To Maintain Pace in the TOEFL iBT Test for a Higher Score

How To  Maintain Pace in the TOEFL iBT Test for a Higher Score

In Los Angeles, many students struggle with managing their time effectively during the TOEFL iBT test, which leads to rushed answers and lower scores.

This lack of pacing can lead to stress and affect performance as you may find yourself running out of time on critical sections or failing to answer the questions thoroughly.

This pressure of time can make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. So, to overcome this challenge, it is essential to develop strategies to maintain a steady pace through the TOEFL test in Los Angeles

To help you out, here we will discuss tips on how you can keep up the pace with the TOEFL iBT test, from getting familiar with the test format to getting additional help from experts.

Get Familiar with the TOEFL iBT Test Format

This test basically includes four sections: 

Section Description
Reading You have to read passages and respond to questions.
Listening In this, you listen to short recordings of academic lectures or classroom conversations and then answer the questions based on what you heard.
Speaking You will have to discuss topics you’re familiar with and materials you have heard and read in the test.
Writing In this, you have to write about a topic you know well and the incorporating information from the passages you read and lectures you listened to.

This test takes just 2 hours to complete, but it is advisable to plan for 2.5 hours, which includes 30 minutes for check-in.

Work On Your Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Reading Skills

When you start preparing for the test, it is important to look for ways to tackle reading, listening, speaking and writing sections. Getting better at these skills will help you to achieve your dream of clearing the TOEFL iBT test.


Purpose:  To assess how well you read and understand the materials that are typically used in college or university courses.

Preparation: The reading section consists of 2 passages of 700 words each and 10 questions for each passage. So, to develop your reading skills: 

  • Practice active reading
  • Take practice test
  • Develop Skimming and scanning techniques
  • Focus on keywords
  • Read widely such as academic articles, newspapers, and books


Purpose: To know your ability to understand conversations and lectures in the English language.


  • Practice, practice and practice…..
  • While practicing, take notes by keeping your mind quiet and remembering the tips.
  • Listen for the Introduction, repeated words, keywords and phrases.


Purpose:  To assess your ability to communicate effectively in English, especially in academic settings.


  • Start listening to the pronunciation of native speakers a few times and record yourself speaking it.
  • Read and listen to english language materials.
  • Record and evaluate your voice to help identify areas of improvement in grammar, pronunciation or pacing.


Purpose: To check your English writing skills and ability to present your ideas in a clear, well-organised way.


  • Practice writing essays
  • Create an outline before writing an essay to organise your thoughts 
  • Practice paraphrasing
  • Use transition words

Sleep and Relax

“Practice does not make perfect. It is practice, followed by a night of sleep, that leads to perfection.”

– Matthew Walker

An adequate sleep is important while preparing for TOEFL iBT Test. By having a proper diet and sleeping on time, you ensure your focus and energy is maintained throughout your preparation journey.

Get Additional Help

Clearing TOEFL iBT Test is itself a challenging task and to make sure you get the value out of your efforts, it can be beneficial if you consider the help of experts led courses such as official TOEFL iBT prep course plus. Enrolling yourself in these courses will help you to master managing you time and providing you with all set of materials and tips to excel in this exam.


Now that you have tips to turn your dream of clearing the TOEFL iBT test into reality. FIrst, you need to understand the test format, then work on your listening, writing, speaking and reading skills, adequate sleep and expert guidance.

So, take your next dream and turn it into reality while keeping these tips in mind.

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